Human Resource Management

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Full-Time: MSc in Strategic Marketing Management, MSc in Accounting and Finance, MSc in Applied Artificial Intelligence (including Professional Practic... more…

Online: MSc in Business Analytics, MSc in Business & Management, MSc in Digital Marketing & Analytics, MSc in Global Business Management, MSc in Man... more…

Loughborough, United Kingdom
Other Programs

Full-Time: MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering with Information Technology and Management, MSc Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and Management, MSc Bus... more…

Online: MSc Water and Environmental Management more…

Part-Time: MSc Sport Marketing, MSc Sport Management, MSc Sport Business and Leadership, MSc Sport Business and Innovation, MSc Social Science Research... more…

Northampton, United Kingdom
Other Programs

Full-Time: Business Analytics MSc, Human Resource Management MA, International Banking and Finance MSc, International Business Management MSc, Internat... more…

Online: International Marketing Strategy MSc, Accounting and Finance MSc, Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc more…

Part-Time: Human Resource Management MA, Accounting and Finance MSc, Corporate Governance and Leadership MSc, International Tourism Development MA, Eco... more…

West Lafayette, Indiana, United States

Full-Time: MS in Marketing, MS in Human Resource Management, MS in Accounting, MS in Finance, MS in Global Supply Chain Management, MS in Business Anal... more…

Columbus, Ohio, United States
Other Programs

Full-Time: Master of Accounting, Specialized Masters in Business Analytics (SMB-A), Master of Business Operational Excellence (MBOE), Master of Human R... more…

Nottingham, United Kingdom

Full-Time: MSc Management, MSc Management and Business Analytics, MSc Management and Finance, MSc Management and Global Supply Chain Management, MSc In... more…

Exeter, United Kingdom
Other Programs

Full-Time: MRes Global Political Economy, MRes Management, MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, MSc International Supply Chain Management, M... more…

Chicago, Illinois, United States

Full-Time: Master of Science in Accountancy (MSA), Master of Science in Business Data Analytics, Master of Science in Finance, Master of Science in Hum... more…

Lisbon, Portugal

Full-Time: Masters in Management, Masters in Data Analytics and Business, Masters in Economics, Masters in Finance, Mestrado em Gestão de Recursos Huma... more…

General Management Degrees vs. Specialist Degrees
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Studying a Master’s in Management in the UK: Less Appealing?
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