Operations Management

Manchester, United Kingdom
Other Programs

Part-Time: MSc Business Psychology, MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship, MSc International Healthcare Leadership, MSc Organisational Psychol... more…

Full-Time: MSc Accounting, MSc Accounting and Finance, MSc Business Analysis and Strategic Management, MEnt Master of Enterprise, Business and Entrepre... more…

Marseille, France
Other Programs

Full-Time: Master in Management Grande Ecole, MSc in Corporate Finance, MSc in Digital Marketing and Sales, MSc in International Business, MSc in Inter... more…

Seoul, South Korea
Other Programs

Full-Time: MS in Accounting, MS in Finance, MS in International Business, MS in Logistics, Service and Operations Management, MS in Marketing, MS in Ma... more…

Stockholm, Sweden

Full-Time: Master's programme in Accounting and Management Control, Master's Programme in Banking and Finance, Master´s Programme in Marketing, Master'... more…

Buffalo, New York, United States

Full-Time: Master of Science in Accounting, Master of Science in Finance, Master of Science in Management Information Systems, Master of Science in Bus... more…

Hong Kong, Hong Kong (PRC)
Other Programs

Full-Time: Master of Science in Accounting (MSAC), Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSc BA), Master of Science in Economics (MSc Econ), Master... more…

Madrid, Spain

Full-Time: Master in Communication and Future Marketing in Barcelona, Master in Fashion and Luxury Business Management in Barcelona, Master in Tourism... more…

Online: Master in Digital Marketing, Master in International Business, Master in Operations and Supply Chain Management, Master in FinTech & Digital... more…

Columbus, Ohio, United States
Other Programs

Full-Time: Master of Accounting, Specialized Masters in Business Analytics (SMB-A), Master of Business Operational Excellence (MBOE), Master of Human R... more…

Exeter, United Kingdom
Other Programs

Full-Time: MRes Global Political Economy, MRes Management, MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, MSc International Supply Chain Management, M... more…

General Management Degrees vs. Specialist Degrees
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Studying a Master’s in Management in the UK: Less Appealing?
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Should you Pursue an MBA or a MiM?
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