Full-Time: M.S. in Business Analytics, M.S. in Quantitative Finance and Risk Analytics, M.S. in Supply Chain Management, M.S. in Technology Commerciali... more…
Full-Time: Master in Management, Master of Science in International Tourism and Destination Management, MSc in Brand Management, MSc in Digital Marketi... more…
Part-Time: MSc in Human Resources Strategy and Development, MSc in Sustainable Development and CSR, MSc in B2B Marketing and Sales Management, MSc in D... more…
Full-Time: Master of Accounting more…
Full-Time: Master of Science Banking, Finance and FinTech, MSc Digital Marketing and Sales, MSc International Events Management, MSc International Logi... more…
Full-Time: MSc Business Informatics, MSc Business Informatics, MSc Health Policy, Planning and Financing, MSc International Economy and Business, MSc M... more…
Full-Time: MSc International Business, MSc Accounting and Finance, MSc Advanced Computer Science, MSc Advanced Computer Science (Artificial Intelligenc... more…