
Hempstead, New York, United States

Full-Time: Accounting, MS, Business Analytics, MS, Finance, MS, Management & Entrepreneurship, MS, Information Systems, MS, Marketing, International Bu... more…

Dual Degree: Quantitative Finance, MS more…

Waco, Texas, United States

Full-Time: Master of Accountancy, Master of Taxation, Master of Science in Economics, Master of Science in Business Analytics more…

Dual Degree: Master of Science in Information Systems more…

Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Full-Time: Master of Science in Marketing, Master of Science in Accounting, Master of Science in Applied Economics, Master of Science in Business Analy... more…

Online: Master of Science in Taxation, Master of Science in Business Administration - MBA, Master of Science in Marketing, Master of Science in Info... more…

Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Other Programs

Full-Time: Master of Accounting more…

Berlin, Germany
Are you prepared to advance in your career and acquire fresh skills that will propel your progress? The International Management Master's program (MIM) strives to provide young professionals in the initial phases of their managerial careers with a distinctive array of skills and expertise. This preparation will empower your career to new heights.
Other Programs

Online: Master in Project Management, Master in Product Management, Master in Digital Product Management, Master in Innovation & Entrepreneurship, M... more…

Aarhus, United States

Full-Time: Master of Science in Marketing, Master of Science in Accountancy, Master of Science in Applied Statistics, Master of Science in Business Ana... more…

Belgrade, Serbia
Other Programs

Full-Time: Master in Business Informatics, Master in Taxation, Master in Quantitative Finance more…

Paris, France

Full-Time: MSc International Financial Analyst, MSc in Investment Banking & Financial Engineering, MSc Trade Marketing, Distribution & Business Develop... more…